This website is for guidance counsellors. If you’re a student, visit

COLS School Board Registration Form

School board officials who require access to COLS to upload grades files, update academic information or run reports must complete this form.

Activation/Deactivation and Access Level

Activate or deactivate record?(Required)
Access Level(Required)

Registrant Personal Information


Board Information

Board Address(Required)

COLS Terms and Declaration

Terms of Use

By registering for and using Counsellors’ Online Services (COLS), you agree to abide by the COLS Privacy Statement and the COLS Terms of Use.

Access to COLS is valid only for the current application cycle and must be requested and approved on an annual basis. Your supervisor must authorize your access and may revoke it at any time.

OUAC data includes, but is not limited to, personal information about applicants and confidential statistics and reports. By registering for and using COLS, you hereby certify and agree that:

  • you will maintain data security using measures that meet or exceed the policies of your school and/or school board;
  • you will use OUAC data for the purposes of counselling and supporting students as they apply for admission to Ontario university programs and/or for other purposes in accordance with your institution’s personal information policies and practices;
  • you will use appropriate measures to protect data copied or downloaded to devices under your control;
  • you and your school board will be responsible for changes, additions and deletions made to any applicant’s academic data on file at the OUAC under your identification and password;
  • you will ensure that the information and documentation you provide to the OUAC in support of an applicant is accurate and complete;
  • you will ensure the accuracy and protect the confidentiality of the applicant data on file at the OUAC;
  • you will not share your COLS password and/or username with anyone;
  • you will not register any unauthorized individuals for a COLS account;
  • you will notify the OUAC immediately if there is unauthorized access to, use or disclosure of your COLS password and/or username or applicant data; and
  • you may be contacted should questions arise about activities performed with this account.

Note: All changes made to an applicant’s academic data under this secure account will be saved in an audit file.

The OUAC and the universities reserve the right to verify any information you provide either through COLS or through other means in support of any applicant. If you withhold information or submit any information that is false, misleading or written by a third party not authorized by the OUAC, the OUAC and/or the universities may, at their absolute discretion, invalidate the impacted application, resulting in its immediate rejection or in the revocation of an offer of admission or registration at a university. The OUAC, Ontario universities and colleges and/or the Ministry of Education may share any such information with other universities and colleges across Canada and/or regulatory authorities and law enforcement.


Declaration Date(Required)


Supervisor Name(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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