This website is for guidance counsellors. If you’re a student, visit

About This Website

This website is maintained by the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC), located in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

All OUAC information is Copyright © Ontario Universities’ Application Centre as of the date indicated in our footer. Unauthorized third-party use of this material is prohibited. All rights reserved unless otherwise stated.

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The OUAC makes every attempt to ensure accuracy and reliability of the data contained on this website. However, we make no warranty, guarantee or promise, expressed or implied, concerning the content or accuracy of the documents.

To confirm data, printed materials and reports are available from the OUAC, upon request.

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The OUAC is not responsible for the content of any off-site websites referenced or linked hereto.

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The OUAC conducts tests annually to ensure browser and device compatibility with all OUAC websites.

For the best experience with our websites, we recommend using a desktop computer and 1 of these supported browser versions (current at the time of testing):

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  • Safari (17)

While you may use other browser versions and devices, such as smartphones and tablets, we did not fully test our websites with these. If you experience difficulties, we recommend you try again with a supported browser version and/or a desktop computer.

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