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Grades File Errors and Warnings

When you upload a grades file to the OUAC, we conduct several file and data validations. We then report any issues we find in the form of errors and warnings. You can view these in the File Log found within the Search OST Files section of COLS.

Here are several common errors and warnings; some are informational, while others require corrective action.

If you encounter any errors or warnings that you do not understand, contact us.

Completion date must be greater than the current collection period date range and month when Grade Type is “C” (Warning 2072)

No action required.

Course MIDENT is “000000” or not in the OUAC’s table

This occurs in the following circumstances: 

  • If the course MIDENT is “000000” or blank, then we will default to the home school MIDENT.
  • If the course MIDENT is not “000000” or blank and not in our file, then it will default to generic school code: “000002”.
Duplicate course code and completion date

Keep the most recent grades reported for the course and delete other occurrences of the same course code and completion date.

Expecting a midterm mark for this course (Warning 2102)

No action required.

Final grade already reported for course

Report the most recent grades for the same course.

Grade type cannot move backwards – course with invalid type not saved (Error 2111)

This occurs in the following circumstances: 

  • Course previously sent as final is now sent as midterm, pending or current.
  • Course previously sent as midterm is sent as pending or current.
  • Course previously sent as current is sent as pending.

Course in error is not saved to the student’s OUAC account.

Invalid completion date

Your school must correct and resend the date or update it in COLS.

Invalid course code (Errors 2053, 2054)

Your school must correct the code. We may attempt to find a valid code substitute, if possible.

Note: We do not collect all courses (e.g., co-op placeholder and EQV courses).

Invalid credit value (Warning 2064; Errors 2065, 2083)

This occurs in the following circumstances: 

  • If the credit value sent is blank or “0001”, then we will default to “0100” and issue warning 2064.
  • If the credit value is not in our table, then we issue error 2065. Your school must correct the value.
  • If Course Status is “W”, “R”, “X” and/or the Note is “M” or “A”, then the credit value must be “0000”; otherwise, we issue error 2083.
Invalid grad status

The system defaults to “Not Reported”.

Invalid grade type (i.e., Midterm versus Final)

We may use course code or completion date to correct the type; otherwise, your school must correct it.

Invalid Home School Indicator (Error 2101)

Your school must correct and resend the value. No student record is created and no updates are made to the record.

Invalid or missing course language code

Value will change to “E” (English).

Invalid OEN (Error 2004)

Your school must correct and resend the OEN. No student record is created and no grades are saved to the record.

Midterm grade reported as “zero” or Midterm supplied without grade (blank) (Error 2073)

Course will show an error. Your school must enter a valid grade.

Not Applicable (N/A), Equivalency (EQV) and Alternative (ALT) reported as grade (Warning 2100)

Changed to blank on our system. Currently no distinction as to type (Midterm versus Final, etc.).

Numeric grade > 100% (Error 2057)

Your school must correct the grade.

OEN already exists

This occurs in the following circumstances: 

  • The OEN is already on file for another student or
  • The student changed their surname in the application and the surname and OEN do not match, so our system thinks they are 2 different people. Contact the student to confirm their surname and either change it in your system or in the Undergraduate application.
Parsing Failed

This occurs when you attempt to process a file. Typical causes:

  • Incorrect record length (often due to invalid completion date data)
  • Missing line endings: <CR><LF>
Unknown Error

This occurs when you attempt to process a file. Do not resend your file; contact us immediately.

You cannot update grades for courses taken at another school (Error 2113)

No action required. Non-home schools cannot report courses taken at another school. Only courses under the non-home school MIDENT save to the student’s OUAC account.

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