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Reporting Grades and Diploma Details

Related link:

Adding Grades for Part-time Students

Add and update courses for your part-time students through COLS, following the same process you use for your full-time students.

We have added “Student Status” as a search parameter in Academic Information to allow you to search for your full-time and/or part-time students.

You can only view and update the courses entered under your MIDENT for your part-time students. You do not have access to their full academic data.

Your part-time students must add your school to the Academic Background section of their Undergraduate application for you to be able to manually maintain the courses they are taking at your school.

The school the student is registered at full-time can add and update all courses showing on the student’s OUAC record. This includes courses added and updated by the school where the student is registered part-time.

We will send an email to the COLS Administrator of the student’s home school when the school where the student is registered part-time reports their courses and/or grades. The home school must correct any duplicate and repeat course errors.

Community Involvement
YesCompletedAutomated data, use code “1”
NoNot completedAutomated data, use code “2”
Completion Date

The date that the course was completed or is expected to be completed. The format is YYYYMM.

Duplicate entries for the same course code are possible if the completion date and/or course type is different for each entry.

Example: ENG4U completed in June 2024 would have a completion date of “202406”. ENG4U to be upgraded in June 2025 would have a completion date of “202506”.

If the completion date and course codes are the same, then the sixth character of the course code must be different to ensure the universities receive it correctly.

For us to process grades data and to avoid errors in students’ academic records, you must report course completion dates that are consistent between the application data and the grades collection data.

For example, a course reported on the application with the completion date “202502” (February 2025) must be reported with exactly the same completion date (that is, 202502 and not 202501) on subsequent data transmissions.

Course Code

A unique code to identify an Ontario high school course. It must be a common course code approved by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

Sixth Character of the Common Course Code

To facilitate academic information processing at the OUAC, the courses you report during the February, April and July (2nd, 3rd and 4th grades collections, respectively) must be reported with the same sixth character as you reported in the application data in November.

For example, a course you reported as ENG4U1 in the application data should be reported in all subsequent transmissions as ENG4U1 and not as ENG4U.

If a student is taking a particular course simultaneously (e.g., in both day school and night school), the sixth character of the course code must be different for each course to ensure that the universities store the student’s academic information correctly.

E.g., ENG4U1 202506 (day) and ENG4U 202506 (night).

Course Delivery

Defines whether a student is enrolled in day, night or summer school courses, correspondence courses or another type of course delivery (virtual learning, e-learning or private school). A blank in this field will default to “D” (day school).

Valid CodeDescription
DDay School
NNight School
SSummer School
Course MIDENT Number

The MIDENT number will be collected at the course code level. If “blank” or “000000” is entered, we automatically change the field to the MIDENT of the school that submitted the grades file.

If the MIDENT number for the course is unknown, provide the default value of 000002 for “other high school/not home school”.


  • The MIDENT number must be numeric and 6 characters in length.
  • The default MIDENT value is “000000”.
  • Only MIDENTs for schools that exist in the OUAC secondary school file can be collected.
Course Note

Indicates a special circumstance for a course.

Valid CodeDescription
CCo-operative education
FCourse taught in French Core, Extended or Immersion program
MModified curriculum expectations that do not lead to a credit
IInterdisciplinary studies
SExtraordinary circumstances
AAlternative expectations that do not lead to a credit
HSpecialist High Skills Major
XSubstitution for a compulsory credit course
BCredit count adjusted; combined courses exceed maximum credit value
PCourse taken at an inspected private school
TTeam taught dual credit
ZFor OUAC internal use only

Where course note is “M” or “A”, credit value must be “0000” and course status must be “X”.

Course Status
Valid CodeDescription
XNot applicable

Deleted Courses

  • Electronic reporting must contain code “D”.
  • Manual reporting: Leave this field blank and select “drop” beside the course.

Repeated Courses

  • Use the “Repeat” designation for 1 of the successful course attempts, but only when the final grades for all successful course attempts are available. Use the “R” designation for the course with the lower passing grade.
  • Do not use code “R” for failed attempts.
  • Electronic and manual reporting must contain code “R” in Course Status and “0000” in Credit Value.

Withdrawn Courses (Those That Must Remain on the Student’s Record)

  • Change the Completion Date to the year and month the student withdrew from the course. (This requires that the current course record be dropped, and the new course record be added.)
  • Electronic and manual reporting must contain code “W” in Course Status and “0000” in Credit Value.
  • Report a Final Grade for the withdrawn course
Course Title

The description or name of the course (e.g., Music, Biology).

Course Type

Defines the type of course a student is enrolled in. A blank in this field will default to “R”.

Valid CodeDescription
RRegular (including virtual learning and independent/private study courses)
OCo-op out-of-school component. Where Course Type is “O”, Course Note must contain “C”

Ensure that the credit value for non-co-op courses at the 4U/M level is 1.0 only (other than the few Ministry-approved exceptions).

Credit Value

The Ministry-assigned weight or credit value of a specific course.

  • On the manually submitted forms, record this information only if it is different than 1.0. (Note: A blank in this field will default to 1.0.)
  • On electronically submitted data, no default is allowed.
Valid Credit Values
  • 1.0 in the table is “0100”; 1.5 in the table is “0150”; 0.5 in the table is “0050”.
  • 4U/M courses must always carry a credit value of 1.0 or higher.
Grad Status Code

Identifies the applicant’s Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) status. No default allowed.

Valid CodeDescription
1The applicant has earned the OSSD (OS:IS). (Defaults to 4.)
2Upon completing the current program, the applicant will qualify for the OSSD (OS:IS). (Defaults to 5.)
3The applicant will not qualify for the OSSD in either the OSS or OS:IS curriculum.
4The applicant has earned the OSSD (OSS).
5Upon completing the current program, the applicant will qualify for the OSSD (OSS).
Grade Type

Grade Type is a code identifying when a grade was reported for a particular course code. No default value is permitted.

Valid CodeDescription
All courses that will be taken during the second semester time frame.
CCurrently Enrolled
All courses taken during the current semester time frame.


  • If the Grade Type is “P” or “C”, record only blanks in the Mark % field.
  • If the Grade Type is “M” or “F”, you must submit a numeric grade.
  • If the Grade Type is “F” (Final), you cannot report the grade before the Completion Date of the course. After the completion date has passed, you can only report a Grade Type of “F” (Final).
Language of Instruction

The language in which the course was taught.

  • On manually submitted application forms, a blank in this field will default to “E” (English).
  • On electronic submissions, no default is allowed.
Valid CodeDescription
FThe course is or was taught in the French language (e.g., histoire, géographie, mathématiques). Do not enter “F” for French Core courses.
EThe course is or was taught in the English language.
BThe course is or was taught in both the English and French languages.
Mark %

Mark % is the numeric grade for the course. Use whole numbers only; do not use decimal places.

OSSD Issue Date

The date the applicant achieved their OSSD (graduated).

This date can be transmitted only if the applicant graduated (i.e., Grad Status Code = “1” or “4”) and the date cannot be in the future.

Secondary School Literacy Requirement
Valid CodeDescriptionAction
ECompleted the literacy requirement in EnglishAutomated data, use code “E”
FCompleted the literacy requirement in FrenchAutomated data, use code “F”
BCompleted the literacy requirement in English and FrenchAutomated data, use code “B”
Not completedAutomated data, use blank
XNot applicable (N/A)
NNot reported
SHSM Program Code

A code identifying the current SHSM program a student is enrolled in or has completed.

If the SHSM completion is “Y”, then you must provide the SHSM Program Code, which should reflect the completed program.

Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Completion

Completed all requirements of the SHSM at the time the OSSD is granted.

Valid CodeDescription
(space)Not reported

If the SHSM completion is “Y”, then the Grad Status Code must be “1” or “4”, since SHSM completion is granted only when a student achieves the OSSD.

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