This website is for guidance counsellors. If you’re a student, visit


General Information

What is the PIE Calendar used for?

The PIE Calendar shows information about confirmed, cancelled and reinstated PIE. Ontario guidance counsellors use the PIE Calendar to coordinate PIE in their region and plan joint events with other counsellors.

What information do I need to provide about our event?

Provide as much information as possible (e.g., arrival and set-up time, duration, format, parking and unloading of materials and refreshments, if provided). In particular, please provide detailed information about parking for your event. The OUAC will share this information with the universities so they know what to expect.

Will universities provide information in French?

It depends on the university. Some Ontario universities are bilingual, so attendees may have an opportunity to speak one-on-one with university representatives in French.

Booking an Event

Can we book more than 1 event?

Yes, you can book more than 1 event.

Can I book an event for next year?

No, you can book only for the current year.

What happens after I submit the PIE Booking Form?

Within 2-3 business days, the OUAC will post your event to the PIE Calendar. We will send you a confirmation email and notify the universities of your event.

How do I know if I successfully booked an event for our school?

You will receive a confirmation email and your event will be posted on the PIE Calendar.

I submitted the PIE Booking Form, but I haven’t received a confirmation email. What should I do?

Please allow 2-3 business days to receive a confirmation email. If it has been longer than this, email the OUAC and include your Event ID Number.

After I book an event, how can I provide additional details or change the information I provided? Should I submit another booking form?

Do not submit another booking form. Email the OUAC with your changes and include your Event ID Number. We will update the PIE Calendar and notify the universities.

How do I cancel our event?

Email the OUAC (and include your Event ID Number) to advise that you wish to cancel your event. We will update the PIE Calendar and notify the universities.

University Attendance

Will all Ontario universities attend our event?

All Ontario universities will be invited; however, not all universities may be able to attend.

How will I know which universities will attend our event?

The OUAC will notify the universities about your event. The universities will contact you directly to confirm their attendance.

If a university has not confirmed their attendance, should I assume they will not attend?

No. We suggest you contact the universities directly for confirmation.

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